protection against voltage changes: gkrc-01 and dgrc-01

Protection Against Voltage Changes: GKRC-01 and DGRC-01

29 June, 07:06

ENTES provides reliable solutions against voltage changes with DGRC-01 and GKRC-01 voltage monitoring relays.

Under Voltage Protection

DGRC-01 is designed to protect your 3-phases systems against voltage decreases by 50%.

Over Voltage Protection

GKRC-01 is designed to protect your 3-phases systems against voltage increases by 50%.

Neutral Failure Protection

Both DGRC-01 and GKRC-01 are capable of protection against neutral failure.

Delay-ON and Delay-OFF

DGRC-01 and GKRC-01 relays are delay-on and delay-off capable voltage monitoring relays which have adjustable under and over voltage limits.

For more information about ENguard voltage monitoring relays please click here.

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