Thyristor Switches are used in systems which contain fastswitching inductive loads. The capacitors, which will be used to provide capacitive power to the system, can be switched on and off with a switching time shorter than 20 ms (1 period) by using SC Series Static Contactors, thereby providing a more effective compensation for rapidly changing loads such as tack welding machines, cranes and arc furnaces.
Thyristor switches are not covered by guarantee if they are not used with SPD series surge protection device.
Product Code |
Reactive Power (kVAr) at 400 V
Maximum Operating Voltage (V)
Delta with 2 Thyristors
Star with 3 Thyristors
Led Display
Internal Thermal Protection
Reactor Thermic Input
DC Trigering Input
RS-485 Communication
Pcs. / Carton
ENT-SC-225 | 25 | 480 |
1 |
ENT-SC-250 | 50 | 480 |
1 |
ENT-SC-325 | 25 | 690 |
1 |
ENT-SC-350 | 50 | 690 |
1 |
(Not Included)
Via Communication